Title: The Tales of Stanley R. Finberg III & His Friends – Book 1
Author: Mollie Partridge
Illustrator: Jan Michael Vincent Sy
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781465310279
Pages: 47
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Reviewer: Beth Adams
Pacific Book Review
Stanley is a personified adorable rat, yes a rat. People generally do not like rats as they are rodents, but Stanley is playful, kind, and likes to have fun, especially with his good friend Bear. Bear and Stanley begin their day sliding down slippery grass hills and enjoying the outdoors in a park area called Wells Park. They come across Mr. Mushroom, who gets invited to play with these characters, when Mr. Mushroom states he is self-conscious about his appearance; having a large head making him look different. Stanley and Bear persuade Mr. Mushroom to join them in having fun together. Together they all meet other characters at a watering hole in Wells Park, where there are two rules: Be Kind and Tell the Truth.
The book continues with the introduction of Pattibelle, a pretty part Beagle and part Bloodhound, with long ears and dressed in her tutu and ballet slippers. Also, are Steggy and Peggy, the Dinosaur twins, who people are very interested in knowing more about them, especially their past family information.
The gang of childish critters all go on a trip to Wind Rush Farms, where they are seeking to see some miniature horses. At the farm, Pattibelle accidentally spooks the horses when a bracelet slips off of her wrist and rolls towards the horses. This occurrence is explained by the author as an event being different from others, causing a reaction by the horses to run away.
The final story within this publication is segmented as “Book 2” subtitled “Transformational learning stories for both children and adults!” Stanley and Bear see Pattibelle, and something is wrong – Pattibelle is running a fever. They learn children don’t have jobs – they can play all day – but when they’re sick, their only job is to get well, by staying in bed!
What readers will take away from these abundantly and artfully illustrated stories are a few themes; among them being honest, being kind to others, and staying home when not feeling well. The book is geared towards the younger of the single-digit aged readers and will be a building block for their self-confidence, kindness and honesty.
The Tales of Stanley R. Finberg II & His Friends – Book 1, by Mollie Partridge, is a wonderful theme for youngsters to enjoy the whimsical and fun loving characters, the repeated messaging, and the inherent love and acceptance for all friends – no matter what their differences might be.