Title: Tole Painting Adventures in Alaska
Author: Judy Farnham
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5434-5463-5
Pages: 56
Genre: Art Instruction
Reviewed by: Barbara Miller
Pacific Book Review
Reading Tole Painting Adventures in Alaska by the talented artist and instructor Judy Farnham, brought to mind the wonderful ways in which the late celebrity artist Bob Ross demonstrated his “tricks of the trade” on the PBS series The Joy of Painting; we all remember that show. Beginning with a blank canvas or in the case of Tole decorations, using a plate, or piece of wood, or a variety of furniture, Judy Farnham de-mystifies the techniques used when layered upon each other, provide a finished product of individual attractiveness – ready to varnish and enjoy! Inspired by her appreciation of the natural beauty of Alaska, she picked subjects such as the Alaskan Forget-Me-Not, the state flower, and the impressive Saw Whet Owl, with its hypnotizing stare. Along with other of her favorites including the California Poppy, other flowers, and my favorite being the Sun Flower, Farnham provides step-by-step instructions on how to create these remarkable detailed paintings. With an explanation of each of the minutia of details down to the brushes to use, the pallet of colors along with the methodology to bring it all together, students of the Tole technique can achieve professional results in a flawless end result.
Similar to a revealing a potpourri of recipes in a cookbook, Judy Farnham peels the onion on outlining each of her “patterns,” so to speak, with enlargement advice and even color-by-number identification in the case of the flowers. She further enhances her book with a glossary for clarifying the use of her terminology, leaving nothing to ambiguity. If her teachings are followed, the results are guaranteed. She further has her book adorned with photographs of the finished products. I believe once the instructions of many of the subjects presented in Tole Painting Adventures in Alaska are practiced; readers will then be able to apply the skills learned to their own ideas. As Bob Ross would often say, “It’s your painting, if you want to put a tree there, go ahead.” It is clear that Judy Farnham wants each student/reader to use her techniques and color choices for whatever images come into their fancy.
Tole Painting Adventures in Alaska is a perfect gift for older children or young adults beginning art classes, or gifted along with a starter-kit of paints and brushes for taking on a road trip camping. Finding artifacts at flea markets or estate sales will be the perfect “canvas” for detailing with the incredibly beautiful details portrayed in this comprehensive book. Consider this the instruction manual of an artist’s treasure chest of secrets; and while you have the old treasure chest out of the attic, how about painting a faux leather boarder along with some birds on each side and fauna in the corners.