Title: Turning the Tide: A fresh vision for a better future
Author: Patrick Gray
Publisher: Independent Publishing Network
ISBN: 9781789723472
Pages: 106
Genre: Socialism & Left-of-Centre Democratic Ideologies/Political Parties
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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One of the most important and most talked about subjects in our modern times has to be that of politics. Whether it’s the political upheaval of the United States or the growing need for change in political parties in the UK and other European nations, politics seem to be on the lips of everyone at this point in time. It was Aristotle who once said, “Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness.” In author Patrick Gray’s book Turning the Tide: A Fresh Vision for a Better Future, a new political party rises to make changes needed to end the Neo-conservatism that has established itself in Britain for nearly 40+ years.

In this book, readers are given a deep dive into the politics of the UK and European nations as it explores the current transatlantic political crisis that is affecting so many nations. A looking into the rise of inequality and disempowerment reveal a system that has been made compliant by those who stand to suffer the most from that very system; allowing those with privilege and wealth to buy the political system and affect policy for the nation they live in overall thanks to conservative thinkers and politicians who base their policy on share-holder value economics and nationalism.

This is a well written, well researched and deep thinking read. This non-fiction title focuses on the political systems which have created so much of the social and economic upheaval in the UK and beyond, and many of the lessons and history researched throughout this book can be applied to much of the English speaking world and beyond. It argues for a change in society that makes policy based on evidence and facts rather across public life, giving power back to society rather than the hands of a few people with privilege and wealth.

This is a book meant for those with a deep interest in politics, most specifically the politics in UK and Europe, and the people who are interested in finding new ways to better society and end the systems that have been failing our growing world for so long. As someone who has a growing interest in politics, it was interesting to read this from an American perspective to see how politics affect other nations around the world, and how the old systems that sustained our world for so long are outdated and in need or repair or change overall.

This is a fascinating book that readers will not want to miss. Despite it being a short read, it is informative and covers a wide range of topics, from education and the economy to health and justice within society. If politics and a look into a changing world are something you would be interested in, be sure to grab your copy of Turning the Tide by Patrick Gray today.

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