Title: Two Brothers
Author: Luke Roberts
Publisher: Bennett Media and Marketing
ISBN: 978-1964296050
Pages: 158
Genre: Christian / Thriller
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

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Two Brothers by author Luke Roberts is a searing narrative which takes readers deep into the underbelly of vigilante justice, as the key characters question the ethical balance between taking matters into their own hands and taking a step back to redeem the broken fragments of their lives.

Paul is a man consumed by rage. His son, Ryan, was kidnapped, assaulted, and killed, leaving him with intense nightmares of this incident. This makes him increasingly unhinged leading him into a merciless detour of fury and revenge. Joe, Paul’s brother, had watched him grow increasingly angry, suicidal, and distant, which grew worse with time. He watched helplessly as his brother became a shell of his former self. Elsewhere, Dylan, an ex-marine and rookie cop, finds civilian life hard to adapt to and finds himself wheedled into a covert mission of retributive justice towards criminals. This, he believes, will give him a sense of purpose in an unjust society.  As a vigilante, he is forced to examine the hazy boundaries between interpreting the law and enforcing capital punishment.

Two Brothers is a tale which tests the fabric of family bonds in the wake of death and grief, and the possibility of redemption amid pain and confusion. The text draws us into deep reflection on the fundamental principles that guide our existence as it keenly explores themes of loss, faith, hope, and ethics. Drawing from the author’s personal experiences and his journey of becoming a Christian later in life, the story culminates into an odyssey of finding identity and direction during times when nothing seems to make sense.

The book does not tally in its beginning but immerses readers into its pulse-pounding plot, briskly introducing us to its memorable characters, and does not stop until the book reaches its end. I liked the moral arc the story took, making this author’s work a perfect candidate to draw lessons from, even as it goes further to answer profound questions surrounding human life and the frailties of the human soul. Roberts writes well, making his work riveting with his infusion of fresh and engaging emotional descriptions of the characters, further adding cues that are fresh and unique to them.

At 158 pages, Two Brothers by Luke Roberts is certainly a binge worthy read that had me hooked. Seasoned enthusiasts of Christian thrillers and new readers will find reading this unforgettable book an enriching experience.

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