Title: Upon This Throne (Second Son Chronicles Book 4)
Author: Pamela Taylor
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
ISBN: 978-1684336067
Pages: 280
Genre: Renaissance Historical Fiction/Medieval Historical Fiction/Historical Fantasy
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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There comes a point in every person’s life where they must take responsibility. Whether it is responsibility in a personal sense, or responsibility for a company, or the world at large, responsibility plays a major role in the development of everyone’s lives. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

In author Pamela Taylor’s Upon This Throne, the Fourth Book in the Second Sons Chronicles, the author returns readers to the Medieval world she has crafted in this historical fiction series. The story picks up right after the third book, with Alfred coming out of a haze brought upon by a powerful illness, only to discover he has found his family. However, he has been marked as a deserter, but soon he discovers news that changes his position entirely, and he must work to restore the kingdom his father and grandfather had built so many years ago.

This is a powerfully written story, doing an excellent job of introducing readers to this world while also immersing them into the narrative right off the bat. The setting and mix of political drama with Renaissance suspense made for an interesting read. Readers will be enthralled with the direction the novel takes, as not only does Alfred’s position change dramatically but he finds himself faced with the impossible task of rebuilding alliances his brother so callously broke.

The book is perfect for those who enjoy historical fiction reads, especially those that are incredibly detail-oriented and delve into politics during the Medieval Era. The narrative is a perfect read for those who enjoy stories such as Game of Thrones, Vikings and The Tudors. As a fan of the genre, I found the author’s attention to detail incredibly powerful, especially in relation to the imagery used to set up the fictional world the author created.

Author Pamela Taylor’s Upon This Throne is the perfect “next chapter” in this developing historical fiction series. A healthy blend of drama, politics, history and action make the story engaging on every level, and the protagonist’s journey makes for brilliant storytelling and character progression. Be sure to grab your copy of this wonderful historical fiction novel and immerse yourselves in the world of Second Sons Chronicles.

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