Title: USA Anytime Anyplace
Author: Ercell H. Hoffman
Publisher: Ercell Hoffman Publishing; 1st Edition
ISBN: 978-1958920244
Pages: 296
Genre: Psychological Fiction
Reviewer: Gabriella Harrison

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Pacific Book Review

Author Ercell H. Hoffman delves into topics not spoken about openly, which prevent dialogue and healing that could occur if only they would be discussed loudly enough for others’ benefit, with a raw depiction of the protagonist in USA Anytime Anyplace.

The novel’s protagonist, Kithira, struggles with self-identity and depression, often feeling alone and unsure of her place in the world. She is quick to form attachments with anyone who shows even a little interest in her and seems to care about her, even if they only want to use her body for their benefit. However, she is a dedicated worker who performs efficiently at her job, even though her colleagues shun her and work to make her feel uncomfortable in the hopes that she’ll quit. Sadly, this treatment isn’t limited to her workplace, as even family members go out of their way to make her feel unwelcome in their gatherings, often talking over her, refusing to acknowledge her presence and share transportation with her, and generally leaving her out of family activities.

The author expertly draws readers into Kithira’s mind from the first chapter, creating a psychological read that sparks introspection. Kithira is portrayed as a character who is both firm and needy in her eagerness to please. On one hand, she cuts all ties with her father when she is tired of his toxicity, earning the ire of her family. On the other hand, she continues to sleep with a guy even though the act disgusts her because she longs to feel connected to someone (anyone). By portraying her in this flawed and vulnerable way, the author makes her instantly relatable and creates a desire to see her overcome.

The prose is moving in capturing Kithira’s battle with love and hate for those around her, who don’t treat her right, as she struggles to get to a better place. It also depicts her compassionate side when she meets Diea, a young pregnant girl dealing with the trauma of physical and sexual abuse. She becomes friends with Diea and soon draws strength and motivation from this friendship, encouraging herself that if her friend can overcome her trauma and improve her life, then surely she can do the same for herself. This is a thought-provoking and encouraging read for anyone who likes reading about perseverance amid persecution and discouragement. It deals with essential topics such as depression, suicide, resilience, survival, and self-worth.

USA Anytime Anyplace by Ercell H. Hoffman is a psychological novel that explores identity and self-worth through an oppressed woman.

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