Title: Vampiro Trilogy: Volume I: The Night Crawler Protocol
Author: Don W. Hill, M.D. and Tom Cavaretta
Publisher: Archway Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-953537-47-8
Pages: 292
Genre: Horror and Mystery
Reviewed by: Manik Chaturmutha

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In this horror-fiction, the authors narrate a story of a dark cult and human vampirism. It is a tale of a world where turning into a vampire is a disease rather than something supernatural. The authors blend the well-known vampire tale with Hispanic culture and contemporary medical science in the first book of their new series.

Blake Barker is busy operating a Woolworth store in Santa Fe when a hippie named Jody assumes the lotus posture outdoors, wearing nothing but a wifebeater tank top. Unfortunately, Jody freezes dead on the street after using a mysterious obsidian knife to slash his palm. Over the following four years, Blake has to put up with Jody-obsessed cult members turning up outside the store and trying to recreate Jody’s fate. Blake finally has enough and relocates his family to southern New Mexico’s Las Cruces. But some of the more devoted Jody’s followers accompany Blake to his new town.

The authors modify the conventional Slavic representation of the creature and make an effort to provide medical justifications for vampirism. The genuine nature of the person affected by the virus is also discussed. Some infected people don’t instantly turn into savage human cannibals; instead, they look for various ways to quench their blood lust. The antagonist, Romero, is a dark character even before he contracts the disease. The virus thus assists in realizing his evil. Regarding the writing, the authors have created a well-paced work providing the readers with an easy read.

The symbolism of each chapter’s title and the drawing that follows it are both remarkable. The formatting is applaudable, as there are no grammatical errors. The characters are well-written. The mystery surrounding the death of Ruby serves well for the mystery genre that the book deals with, in addition to the horror genre. Nevertheless, the medical details explaining the process of humans turning into vampires make the flow a little hard to follow. However, the glossary at the end of the book is helpful as it explains the medical terms, Spanish words, and Mexican slang used throughout the book.

The intended audience is undoubtedly horror enthusiasts, particularly those who enjoy vampires. In addition, this book may appeal to people who are also interested in the scientific justifications for the fantasy components in their stories. The cliff-hanger at the end of the book will also attract more horror readers, who will anxiously anticipate the next instalment.

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