Title: Visigothic: The Barbarians of Midgard (Saga Visigothic)
Author: Jay P. Newcomb
Publisher: Independently Published (July 30, 2021)
ISBN: 979-8546810450
Pages: 384
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Reviewer: Jennifer Bailey
Pacific Book Review
Home to goblins, ogres and gargoyles, as well as human beings, the Visigoths, Midgard is a place of sanctuary for all creatures. That is until evil sorcerers and gods threaten the peace of Midgard by causing chaos throughout the lands and unleashing terrors beyond imagination. The fight to save Midgard has begun and King Sigurd Rothgarson has joined in the battle. He struggles to free his people from the bondage and the tyranny they face from these threats.
Visigothic: The Barbarians of Midgard (Saga Visigothic) is an epic tale filled with tremendous world building and character development. There is a large cast of characters and it may be hard to keep track of all of them, but they all play a vital role in the story. Author Jay P. Newcomb excels at describing this world and the things his characters experience. It is easy to envision everything that happens within this novel. Readers will find strong themes of freedom, courage, and bravery throughout the actions of the characters. Newcomb tells his story in such a way that it is difficult to predict what will happen next, and readers will find themselves eager to know what happens to King Sigurd and his people.
The large amount of information might be difficult to understand at times for someone who is not used to this type of writing, but fans of authors like John Gywnne would find this book entertaining and captivating. Newcomb packs a lot into almost this 400-page book. While it may feel overwhelming, the payoff in the end is so worth it. Readers will be hoping for another installment of this series. This larger-than-life story is not for the faint of heart, once you begin reading you are not going to want to stop.
If you enjoy an epic fantasy, then this is a book that should be on your shelves. While this book may not be for beginners in the genre, seasoned fantasy readers will enjoy reading this book. Newcomb’s vivid imagination and storytelling abilities create a world worth exploring. Overall, this is a book fantasy lovers would appreciate and recommend to others.