Title: Waiting Still: God’s Glance
Author: Marie Stevens
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5462-0655-2
Pages: 46
Genre: Poetry, Spirituality
Reviewed by: Barbara Miller
Pacific Book Review
Containing a few dozen poems, a handful of pictures and a couple of musings, author and poet Marie Stevens has assembled a collection of her creativity in a book titled Waiting Still: God’s Glance. As a form of published art in wordsmithing, drawings and reflections, Waiting Still has the quality of a book which traverses the “here and now” of the reader into the deeper meditation and the appreciation of God. Stevens has sensitivity about her writing, keeping to short prose without rhyme, in a beat genre of poetry, yet deep love for God and the kindness one finds in family. Quite surprisingly, in one of her stories titled “Mid Congo,” I was taken aback in my expectation of how the story would end; sadly yet with an element of hope whereas God gives life and takes it away. It would be fair to say there is an element of melancholy in her writings, bringing to the mind of readers situations that everyone has faced in their lives which did not go as desired. In yet another story, the wearisomeness of waiting for a loved one to arrive during a severe storm, in her work titled “North Sea Storm,” has an unabashed reveal of emotions we all have had at times in our past when we doubted our better judgment, only to find God was looking out for us.
Her art is abstract and colorful, which can also be said about her poetry. Blending stokes of color in bold lines in her drawings is analogous to her repeating her bold statements of love of her family and God with her words. Ending many of her poems with “Amen,” heightens to prayer-quality of her poetry as if it could be said aloud to the reader – while alone, vocalizing on the righteousness of the poetry. In the ever-growing genre of poetry, Marie Stevens is solidly planted with her roots of conviction in God and her glowing kindness of thought patterns.
Waiting Still would be an excellent night table book; being able to read all or some at bedtime, which would relax the reader as much as a cup of chamomile tea. It can be picked up and started at any part and surely will catch the attention of a page turner when viewing the pictures. The stories, written such as a flash-fiction style, bring memorable situations to mind without the fluff of a long story format. Also the “Amen” endings accentuate the depth of love for God and the power of faith. I hope to read more from this talented author in the future.