Title: Warrior’s Embrace
Author: Anita Crowley
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 1543466273
Pages: 230
Genre: Paranormal
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel
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Pacific Book Review
Warrior’s Embrace is the first book in the “Warriors of Nyx” series by author Anita Crowley.
The biggest stress Leta had to deal with was getting over her cheating ex-boyfriend and dealing with bizarre nightmares, but after she wakes up with a mysterious moon tattoo, her best friend Kate drags her to see a psychic to find answers. She’s told a story about Nyx and how she’s now the goddess. She doesn’t want to believe it, but when her birthday outing is cut short by two mysterious men, she discovers the truth to the story. Kantos is an ancient vampire and former bodyguard of Nyx, spending his days keeping the world safe from demons. Despite having sworn off relationships, he can’t seem to get the woman he has been dreaming about out of his mind. When he discovers his enemy the demon Athos is hunting for his dream woman, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her.
Warrior’s Embrace is a quick read with a gritty urban setting and a modern ordinariness to the story that make the characters feel like people you may actually have known. The tone remains fairly light and at times bubbly with a jump into romance as the bond between Leta and Kantos manifests quickly with the explanation of soulmates. The romance between Leta and Kantos is sweet and genuine, adding a spark of life to both of the characters. The two characters find little moments that allow them to balance each other out. Kantos is an old soul and almost could be considered a brooding vampire trope if it wasn’t for his contentment in his lifestyle. Kantos is grounded in his old ways while she has a modern mindset with a love of cooking, video games and other modern activities. Their relationship is conflicted in style by the budding relationship between their friends Kate and Drake, who have what is a slow boil in romance compared to the fast build of Kantos and Leta.
A majority of the story focuses on the friendship of Leta and Kate, as well as Drake and Kantos. Leta and Kantos have a more serious personality compared to their upbeat friends, but all of them form a family unit where they encourage and support each other. Kate is the one who finds excitement in supernatural situations and as a psychic she’s immediately accepting of Leta discovering her goddess origins. Then Drake, who’s nearly as ancient as Kantos, has a more modern approach to his dialogue and serves a brother figure for Kantos. The two have a quirky banter which has a genuine approach to it so it comes across in a more loving way.
Crowley explores Greek mythology and soul mates, taking the story of Nyx, the goddess of Night, and giving it a vampire twist. The vampires in Warrior’s Embrace are viewed as heroic and protectors, a species created by Nyx to serve that purpose. They are the ones battling against the demons to keep everyone safe. The plot is rooted in the past which is full of tragedy and betrayal surrounding Nyx’s death. With the focus on the past, Kantos is able to find closure and acquire a second chance at love, making him fight harder to protect Leta against Athos; but also allowing him to remedy his guilt over failing to save Nyx. This book has a great storyline, wonderfully developed characters, and just the right touch of romance. Warrior’s Embrace is a paranormal romance with a twist on mythology in a story of heroism, soulmates, and friendship.