Title: What is Truth? Finding Truth in a Lost World
Author: T Hakanson
Publisher: ‎Explora Books
ISBN: 9781998394494
Pages: 240
Genre: Christian
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

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What is Truth? is a strikingly original text by Christian Apologist T Hakanson. The text sets forth an attractive vision of Christian life based on the truth and facts of the legitimacy of this religion. This pivotal work aims to enlighten Christians with information that will help them understand and defend their faith.

The world’s greatest challenge to belief in God’s existence is the theory of evolution. Unfortunately, despite evolution’s widespread acceptance, Hakanson claims, it cannot pass the verifiability test. In particular, he believes that evolutionists, transgender activists, pro-choice campaigners, and racists have successfully misled people into thinking things that are not actually true. Their interpretation of truth is essentially propaganda. As these groups work to undermine the Bible and its accuracy, he cautions against taking their lies as facts.

Hakanson also refutes ideas about eternal life in hell and perpetual torture, which many individuals claim to have observed during near-death experiences. Besides that, he examines the ramifications of disobeying God’s instructions. He talks about the implications of homosexuality, which many groups consider acceptable, and how these consequences are unavoidable. He also calls the reader’s attention to the decades-old changes the Catholic Church made to the Fourth Commandment, that regrettably the Protestant church continues to adhere to,rather than obeying God’s word.

Those who are seeking the truth about the characteristics of the true God and His will for humanity will find this book to be uplifting, strengthening, and transformative, providing them with the assurance to follow Christianity without hesitation. The author’s insightful understanding and persuasive exposition of Biblical principles is admirable. In an effort to provide the reader with a better comprehension of the things of the Spirit, he purposefully addresses topics that are rarely covered, such as God’s origin, his current dwelling, and the events happening in both all three heavens.

Hakanson’s revolutionary resource affirms the Bible as the “rule book” of Christianity. It gives the vigilant Christian invaluable knowledge about their religion, enabling them to react sensibly to both inward concerns and challenges from doubters. In a world rife with skepticism, a book that affirms one’s identity in God and provides truths about Him is critical, and What is Truth?: Finding Truth in a Lost World by T Hakanson is just that! It is a valuable tool for any Christian audience who wants to guide the people away from the unfathomable darkness and lies of the outside world. Whether you’re a believer, a seeker, or a skeptic, What is Truth? is a book that invites you to explore and engage with some of the deepest questions of life and belief.  This book provides a robust defense of Christianity that is both intellectually satisfying and spiritually enriching.

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