Title: When Penguins Fly: An Ascension Enhancement Project
Author: Andrew Patrick Craig
Publisher: Authors’ Tranquility Press
ISBN: 978-1964810591
Pages: 136
Genre: Metaphysical/Spiritual
Reviewer: Susan Brown
Pacific Book Review
In the 1960s, The Fifth Dimension’s number one hit, The Age of Aquarius, captured the essence of that time, promoting an age of “love, light and humanity.” As I read author Andrew Patrick Craig’s book, I found myself humming that tune, remembering the words: “Peace will guide the planets, And love will steer the stars.” And another line, “the mind’s true liberation” encompasses the author’s focus on the fifth dimension of consciousness, 5DC, defined as a “higher state of consciousness that transcends the physical world.” This “funny gentle wisdom conversation” the author has penned is a fun, engaging narrative that asks us to change our perception of our Earth world and look at one complete with penguin transformations, inter-galaxy travel, a “Big Spirit Party” and an adoption of Mother Earth by those who inhabit the “Star Planet.”
For many who read this book, it will be not just an out-of-world experience, but also an out-of-the-box one. To fully appreciate the story, the author asks us to accept that there are multiple levels realities — 3D, 4D, 5D — but it is 5D which calls us to a higher level of awareness; one infused with morality and integrity, so desperately needed now.
Andrew Patrick Craig explains: “Your author came to your planet to acquire direct experience regarding certain aspects of behavior by this species of Human Beings which caused the prospect of almost certain horrendous calamity for your Mother Earth and her entire species of Human Beings.” He admonishes, “Mother Earth Beings … incapable of seeing what a disaster you have become for the entire Universe!”
He also challenges us. He states, “In two generations, we will likely have 25 billion people on the planet, leading to catastrophic collapse. If so, only higher order consciousness can alter that outcome. Sex, money, and power consciousness cannot. I would be honored if you would read my book and get in the game.” In the first part of this book, Mr. Craig sets this stage for his own ascension to a higher level of consciousness. His young life was marred by tragedy, disappointment and violence against him. To make sense of his life he “turned to Higher Spiritualism for an answer.”
At the heart of his story, though, is the unfolding narrative that celebrates the transformation of two penguins. At the completion of this transformation, one considered outside space and time, they are ready to return to Earth with a colony of souls also in this state to lift “Mother Earth into the 5DC to prevent cascading catastrophe and untold damages.” How is this to happen? Through love, peace, harmony. This colony is counseled that “Love is woven into the fabric which holds the Universe together,” and success is measured on the “ability to love not just each other but the entire universe.”
When Penguins Fly is a sweet, gentle message to open more than just our eyes, but also our hearts and minds to a way of looking at the world that calls us to a higher understanding of our behaviors and their impact and consequence. It’s a message worth paying attention to. Readers interested in metaphysical exploration, spirituality and societal issues will find much to ponder within these pages.