Title: When the Earth Was Quiet
Author: Gabriel Anthony Lopez
Publisher: BlueInk Media Solutions
ISBN: 978-1641337922
Pages: 54
Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure
Reviewer: Reyan Boris Mishra

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When the Earth Was Quiet is an enthralling sci-fi tale capable of making your mind race. The book hooks your attention in the initial pages and keeps it trapped until the last one. Even though the climax is brilliant, you might experience a little dissatisfaction as you would probably wish the story could go on a little longer. It’s not one of the typical sci-fi books where the focus rests on conquest and achievements. Instead, the story in question makes the readers delve into the adventurous journey and the multitude of effects it has on adventurers.

With his convincing writing, author Gabriel Anthony Lopez makes you a part of the journey as you feel the highs and lows of the expedition experienced by the characters. Three ambitious scientists, Max Rodriguez, Lydia Miller, and Ken Gresser, are on a scientific voyage in search of an answer. Each one has a unique way of going about their business. What is it that they are after? Will they ever get their hands on the big answer? And if they do, what this discovery is going to entail? Spoiler: The answer to all your questions is not as straightforward as you’d probably imagine.

The vivid descriptions of the surroundings and emotions add to the magnificent aura created by the book. Each character has been wonderfully written to offer depth and a glimpse into the zig-zag nature of human emotions. The sci-fi elements that you are going to find here are both unique and sense-making. What’s more, the events are well-paced. The author has kept it right to the point that makes the read all the more exciting.

If you are big on sci-fi adventures, When the Earth Was Quiet deserves a spot on your bookshelf. The story has it all from an intriguing plot, and well-developed characters to some awesome sci-fi elements. As for people who haven’t yet got the aroma of a sci-fi dish, this book right here might be a good one to test whether the genre is up your alley. First off, it’s shorter than most novels in the genre, and secondly, it’s written in a manner so everybody can understand it – even a person with little understanding of scientific biz. However, a science buff would enjoy it more in all probability.

If you are concluding a book or looking for your next one, we recommend you make When the Earth Was Quiet your next read. It’s equipped to both thrill you while it makes you think.

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