Title: Whispers: A Story of Meeting the Devil and Surviving
Author: T.G. Anderson
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796088151
Pages: 342
Genre: Science-Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Pacific Book Review
One subject that has taken on more importance and made more of an impact on our
society as a whole in recent years is the struggle to understand and help those who
suffer from mental illness. As John Lewis once said, “We must bring the issue of mental
illness out into the sunlight, out of the shadow, out of the closet, deal with it, treat
people, have centers where people can get the necessary help.”
In author T. G. Anderson’s Whispers: A Story of Meeting the Devil and Surviving, the
author delves into the painful reality of the struggle with mental illness, and the harsh
truths that come with that realization. Writing about everyday life and digging deeply into
the memories of his childhood and adulthood, the author showcases how his family, his
friends and loved ones, and he himself dealt with the development of his illness; how he
coped with it, and his determination to show how he and anyone else can defeat the
“devil” or the demons those with mental illnesses feel they have and struggle with on a
daily basis.
This is a powerful, emotional and strong read. The author really does an amazing job
blending the personal memories of his life with the painful reality of living with mental
illness which many have had to endure throughout their lives. From the feeling of having
to hide their struggles from those closest to them, to the need to find outlets to try and
drown out the mental health struggles (for the author, childhood brought escapes
through books while adulthood saw his struggle with alcoholism, etc), the author really
did an amazing job of showcasing a subject that is not looked at in quite as much detail.
This is a book for those who enjoy personal and emotional books that blend the
creativity of a sci-fi read with the engaging nature of a mental health struggle memoir.
The author’s story really resonated with me personally, as I have family members who
suffer from and struggle daily with mental health issues of their own, and the pain I
witness from them is something I am all too familiar with.
This is an expertly crafted, evenly paced read. Author T.G. Anderson’s Whispers: A
Story of Meeting the Devil and Surviving is a truly captivating look into the struggles of
those who live with mental health issues, and brings a creative approach to the author’s
life and memories which really allow readers to resonate with the narrative overall.