Title: Yellowstone’s Child
Author: Charles W. Liebert
Publisher: KDP
ISBN: 978-1080590445
Pages: 247
Genre: Mystery
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.

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Pacific Book Review

In Charles W. Liebert’s novel Yellowstone’s Child, a little girl is involved in a tragic incident which leads her to lose her memory. Later in life, she discovers that her life has been a lie, prompting her to seek out her true identity.

Sam and Gloria Graham, chicken farmers from Mississippi, are on vacation in Yellowstone National Park following the demise of their 10-year-old daughter, Sally. Seated on a rock, the young couple spots something in the water that turns out to be a drowned girl about their late daughter’s age. After finding out that the girl has lost her memories, the two devise a scheme to abduct her and have her reincarnated as Sally.

Years later, the reborn Sally graduates with a BA in theater and lands a major TV series role as the lead detective. Furthermore, she inherits $12 million from her presumed deceased grandfather, Big Boss Longe, a prominent Rextonville politician and her mother’s late father. Big Boss’s enormous wealth, of which they inherit a sizable piece, surprises her parents. However, their joy is cut short when their daughter gets involved in an accident, bumping her head and awakening with memories from her past.

This is a captivating novel which draws the reader in with each new page. It is simple to read, memorable, and intriguing, with all of the makings of a fantastic young adult novel. Themes of loss, treachery, sadness, and agony abound therein. The satisfying conclusion that the narrative builds towards is discovering the protagonist’s true identity and background, as well as the hidden truths behind her disappearance.

Strongly developed characters drive the story with great effectiveness.  Among the grounds they help touch on, is the common claim that the Federal Witness Protection Program is the most secretive and controversial law enforcement initiative ever. The way the author skillfully draws the readers into the puzzle, allows them to see how corruption gives rise to false identities, which in turn serve wicked intentions.

In the young adult category, Yellowstone’s Child is a prominent contender. It goes all out to provide an exhilarating reading experience. I heartily endorse it!

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