Title: You Are His Masterpiece – Hope When Life Throws You A Curve
Author: Judith Lacy Hewes, LCSW
Interior Artist: A.J. McCoy
Publisher: Youarehismasterpiece Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-961507-86-9
Pages: 112
Genre: Religious/ Spiritual
Reviewed by: Carol Davala

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Author Judi Lacy Hewes’ You Are His Masterpiece – Hope When Life Throws You A Curve is a compact, inspirational work which offers a combination of spiritual narrative, Bible quotations, and complementary artwork intended to help those suffering from a significant loss.

Hewes’ writing is a balm for those dealing with sorrow and heartache. Intent on consoling a family member who endured a miscarriage, here she chose words to soothe, rather than just validate the pain of misfortune. Hewes shows us God as the Master Potter who will shape us on his wheel into a refined vessel. Ultimately it is His artistry and craft that will determine what we go through and the unique, finished design.

As a result, this book helps the grieving to understand God’s intervention by using Biblical stories which reflect experiences of loss. Whether the loss is of a loved one, health due to illness, a job, a home, or even credibility, comparisons are made between contemporary suffering and relatable renderings in the likes of Noah, Job, and God’s sacrifices through Jesus. Hewes stresses that God is in control of our lives and is there “to give hope” and turn each of us into a Masterpiece. Purposefully he will transform our questions into wisdom. While the book’s overall pacing seems a bit slow, it remains consistent and steady which seems to mirror the genuine feel of the writing as a quiet, contemplative sharing of Biblical and spiritual thought.

Hewes’ writing is artfully enhanced by the realistic illustrations of AJ McCoy. Full-color images are dispersed throughout the narrative and depict a variety of complimentary visuals. From the opening words of “a mother’s eyes are like pools in a sea of grief after she loses a child” with a close-up that features a teardrop shaped like a grieving person in the corner of an eye against an ocean background; to a lost bleating lamb; a patient receiving medical treatments; or God’s invisible hand of protection over one’s own when we’ve reached the end of our rope and are ready to fall into the abyss, McCoy’s artistry reflects God’s ever presence in our time of need. There is also a short guide for McCoy’s artwork that helps to point out and interpret details within the illustrations.

Interestingly Hewes concludes the volume with several pages of positive reader reviews. While some may see these as mere filler, phrases like “A beacon of light in the darkness”, “A small book with a BIG Message”, and “A touching collection of thoughts and promises that God is with us every step of the way!” all showcase the book’s favorable choice as a compendium for those seeking peace and comfort, especially in trying times.

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